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Week 2: Passwords

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Strong and unique passwords are important to keeping your accounts secure. Using only one password for multiple accounts, or a similar password with slight/predictable variations, allows hackers quick access from one account to many of your accounts. Passphrases with unpredictable words and word patterns are a great way to protect yourself (i.e. CoWs!BulLs$KitteNs?)

To learn more about the importance of using strong and unique passwords, visit:

Why You Should Never Use the Same Password for Multiple Accounts

Tips for Generating Strong and Unique Passwords

A password manager is an app on your phone, tablet, or computer that stores your passwords so you don't need to remember them. Once you've logged into the password manager using a 'master' password, it will generate and remember the passwords for all your online accounts. A password manager can be set up so you can use it across all of your devices.

There are some on campus who use KeePass (including ITS, our MLC Information Technology Services). For personal use, use whatever password manager works best for you. Here are a few suggestions to explore:

If you’re an iPhone user, you may be more familiar with the password manager built into your phone called iCloud Keychain. IOS18 with Apple is also releasing its Passwords app.





If you suspect one or more of your accounts has been compromised, follow these steps:

  1. Immediately update your passwords or passphrases on accounts using the compromised credentials.

  2. Check your credit card and bank account statements for any suspicious activity.

  3. Report any fraudulent financial activity to your financial institution.

  4. Notify contacts that could be impacted by the attack (for example if a phishing message was sent from your account).

  5. Report the fraudulent activity to your local police.