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Work Orders

You can submit work orders for Environmental Services online.

Submitting work orders requires an account. If you have any issues, please contact Environmental Services.

If You Know Your SchoolDude Account Information

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your Email (should be your MLC email account) and Password (this is specific to SchoolDude)
  3. Click Sign In
  4. Fill out the resulting form with as much as information as you can (pay careful attention to what is required information)
  5. Enter password as the Submittal Password
  6. Click Submit

If You Do Not Know Your SchoolDude Password

If you have submitted a request in the past, but do not know what your password is:.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on Forgot Password?
  3. Enter your MLC email address in the resulting popup window and click Submit
  4. Check your MLC email account for an email SchoolDude Message Center
  5. Click on the link in the email and enter a new password (and confirm it) on the resulting page
  6. Taking note of your new password, again visit
  7. Enter your Email (should be your MLC email account) and Password (this is specific to SchoolDude)
  8. Click Sign In
  9. Fill out the resulting form with as much as information as you can (pay careful attention to what is required information)
  10. Enter password as the Submittal Password
  11. Click Submit

If You Do Not Have a SchoolDudeAccount

If you have not submitted a work order in the past, then you will need to create an account.

  1. Visit
  2. Fill out the Register form on the page
  3. Enter 823884800 as the Account Number
  4. Use your MLC email account as the Email
  5. Click Register

You now have an account with SchoolDude attached to Martin Luther College's account. Follow the instructions above to fill out a work order.