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MLC Student-Owned Devices Policy

Students at MLC are expected to have a student-owned computing device available for use both in class.and for their course. It is up to the individual instructor as to how devices will be used infor their Not every instructor will use the devices on a daily basis,basis. butIt onlyis whenalways itup enhancesto the learninginstructor experiencehow indevices somecan used to complete coursework.

Functionality of Devices

The goal of any device is to be usable in a variety of contexts. Because of thisthis, it is recommended to purchase a device that is durable and has a long battery life. ItAny device will need to handle the rigors of student life on campus. It is wiseimportant to discuss the specifications of any device under consideration with the chosen vendor, who will helpkeep in mind the difficult balance between cost, efficiency, performance, and robustness (i.e.when considerconsidering the specifications asof wella assingle cost when purchasing).device.

The main use of devices in class often centers around the use of word processing, spreadsheet,spreadsheet anduse, presentation tools, along with aand web browserbrowsing (e.g. the learning management system on campus is accessed through a web browser). Access to a modern web browser like Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge is a requirement.

Please note:  Google Workspace for Education is web-based and is free to all instructors and students at MLC. It includes word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation tools. 

MLC does not publish a recommended device list for students to choose from,list, but we do list some recommended minimum specifications to enable students to make an informed decision around which device(s) to purchase. You are free to choose the specific model/brand you desire along with insurance and/or service agreements through your vendor.


In general, laptops/notebooksnotebooks/convertibles are the most commonly purchased device for use in the classroom. There are a number of different brands/manufacturers to choose from with a variety of price-points. Laptops in general are larger, heavier, and have a shorter battery life than some other devices, such as tablets, but balance that with built-in keyboards, optional touch screens, higher performance, and ability to run some legacy software.

Specifications to Look At

  • Modern Operating System
    • Microsoft Windows 10 or later
    • Apple macOS 11 Big Sur or later
    • Google ChromeOS
    • Various Linux Distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, etc.)
  • 8 GB RAM (memory) or greater
  • 128 GB hard drive (HDD or SSD) or greater (not applicable to Chromebooks)
  • Webcam and Microphonemicrophone
  • 6 hours of battery life or greater


Tablets are usually smaller, less powerful, simpler devices than laptops/notebooks. Often they have better battery life to go along with being easier to slip into your bag to take to class. WhileIf oftenyou’re consideredconsidering secondary devices tousing a desktoptablet or laptop infor your room,main theydevice, are becoming more and more capable as time goes on, butplease be aware ofthat some technology tools used in the limitations of using these devices. There are some educational programs and other tools thatclassroom will not run on tablets.a tablet. In addition, please check the course list at the end of this document for courses that require access to a laptop.

Specifications to Look At

Specifications are hard to quantify when it comes to tablet devices. The main thing to keep in mind is to purchase newer devices that are loaded with a recent version of the tablet’s operating system.

As of July 2023, these are the most recent versions of common operating systems:

  • Apple iOSiPadOS 16 or later
  • Google Android 12 or later (please check with your device manufacturer)
  • Windows 1110 or later


More common years ago, some students still use desktops in their dorm room and have a separate device to take to class when needed.

Specifications to Look At

  • Modern Operating System
    • Microsoft Windows 10 or later
    • Apple macOS 11 Big Sur or later
    • Google ChromeOS
    • Various Linux Distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, etc.)
  • 8 GB RAM (memory) or greater
  • 128 GB hard drive (HDD or SSD) or greater (not applicable to Chromebooks)
  • Webcam and Microphonemicrophone

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to load any software on my device prior to coming to MLC?

Many devices come with a lot of preloaded software when purchased. Additional software may be needed depending on the activities the student chooses to engage in. Many free software alternatives, such as Google Apps,Workspace, are available and students are encouraged to make use of them. Instructors will inform students of any specific apps that are required for their classes. Also, each student is required to carry security software to detect, prevent, and mitigate viruses, malware, spyware, and other nefarious software. What program to specifically install is up to the student, but there are free offerings available from many vendors.

Can I use a Chromebook as my main device?

A modern Chromebook will be able to handle the requirements of most courses. However, students should refer to the list of courses that require installed software. If any of those courses are on your program plan, you will need to have a laptop when taking that course. Questions about the specific software needs for those courses can be directed to the course instructors.

Education students are encouraged to upgrade from a Chromebook to a laptop prior to their student teaching experience. Pre-seminary students are encouraged to look at the device requirements from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

Is it essential that I have Microsoft Office software (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) on my device?

While having these programs on your device might be beneficial due to their greater functionality compared to some free alternatives, they are usually not required. All devices need to be able to access and work with word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet files. The specific program you use is up to you.

If I wish to have Microsoft Office software available on my device, should I purchase this before or after coming to MLC?

If the software is not included with the purchase of your device, it is suggested that you purchase the software after coming to MLC since it is available at a much lower cost to students through MLC. Further information is available on the MLC IT Services website.

What should I do if there is a problem with my device while at MLC?

YouNetwork Services is happy to look at device problems and fix them when they are welcomeable. to You should contact checkIT Services Support by visiting with ITany Services questions. There are device repair options both in New Ulm and nearby Mankato. Students are responsible for direction.all costs incurred with any repairs.

What responsibility will MLC take if my device is stolen and/or broken at MLC?

The student is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and security of his/hertheir own device. MLC carries no insurance on the personal belongings of students.

May the students use 3G/4G/LTE as well as WiFi?

Yes, students may use their own data plans. There is no guarantee provided as to the signal strength of cellular providers on campus,campus. however,Secure aswireless ofaccess Julyis 2023, Verizon does maintain signal boostersavailable on campus for theirall cellstudents.


Which MLCcourses alsohave hasspecific availablesoftware requirements?

The following is a list of the courses with some more advanced software needs. This often means using a tablet or ChromeOS-based device (e.g. Chromebook) can be difficult. Please reach out to studentsthe ainstructor wirelessif network,you whichhave isquestions safeabout the specific software needs.

  • MTH2020 - Elementary Statistics - Prof. Zarnstorff
  • MTH2023 - College Geometry - Prof. Zarnstorff
  • SCI2101 - Physics: Mechanics - Prof. Thiesfeldt
  • SCI4102 - Physics: Thermodynamics and monitored.

    Properties of Matter - Prof. Thiesfeldt
  • SCI2025 - General Chemistry I - Prof. Thiesfeldt
  • SCI3025 - General Chemistry II - Prof. Thiesfeldt
  • SCI4025 - Chemistry of Life - Prof. Thiesfeldt
  • SCI2001 - Advanced Biology - Prof. Fenske
  • SCI3003 - Zoology - Prof. Fenske
  • SCI3005 - Genetics - Prof. Fenske

Revision History

  • 2021 - Initial approval
  • July 20, 2023 - Updates to OS versions and some small wording changes
  • August 30, 2023 - Incorporated new updates