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Course Activation

Courses need to be activated before they appear in Moodle. You may activate any course that you are listed as the instructor for.



  1. Visit
  2. Log in to your MLC account by clicking the Login button in the top right corner. Use the same username and password as you do for Moodle.
  3. From the Scheduling tab, choose Moodle Courses
  4. Click the Activate button next to the name of the course you'd like to activate. 
  5. The Activate button will disappear and a message indicating the course has been activated will take its place. 
  • Activated courses are deployed to Moodle on a schedule and may take up to 24 hours to appear in your Moodle course list. 
  • If your course does not appear after 24 hour,hours, please contact Rachel Feld