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Adding a TA

A Teachers' Assistant (TA) can be added to courses to assist with various instructional duties.


  1. After logging into Moodle, click on the course your TA needs access to. 
  2. From the menu on the left, click Participants.
  3. On the next screen, click the Enroll users button on the right side of the screen.
  4. In the Select users dropdown menu, start typing the MLC email address of your TA.
  5. When the TA appears in the list, click on their name and their profile information will appear above the dropdown menu. If this is not the person you want to add, click the and search again.
  6.  After the correct person has been selected, click the bottom dropdown menu next to Assign role and choose either Teaching Assistant (non-editing) or Teaching Assistant (editing)
    • The Teaching Assistant (non-editing) role can grade assignments, but cannot edit anything within the course.
    • The Teacher Assistant (editing) role can grade assignments and can also edit course materials, including uploading files and adding new activities. 
  7. After choosing the role, click Enroll selected users and cohorts.


  • You can view and edit your TA's role from the Participants list. Click the pencil to edit or remove their role.
  • Follow the steps above for each additional course your TA needs access to. 
  • If working with separate groups within your course, make sure your TA is also a member of those groups.