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Class Announcements Forum

The Announcement forum is available by default in all courses. It has some unique features.

  • Only teachers can post in it.
  • All students are automatically subscribed to it, meaning they will get an email whenever you post something.
  • Students cannot reply to announcements, only view. The benefit to this over email is that they can easily come back to review what was sent and you don’t have to copy all their email addresses. 
  • Log into Moodle and enter your course.
  • Click on Announcements 
  • Click Add a new topic 
  • The next screen is very similar to an email window. Put a subject in the subject line and your information in the message textbox.
  • Click the blue Post to forum button. 
  • In 15 minutes, your post will be visible to students and sent to them via email. In that 15 minute window, you can change the announcement if needed.