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Types of Quiz Questions

Multiple Choice
    • Students pick correct answer from a list. Question can have one or multiple correct answers.
    • Students match one set of information to another. 
    • The only answer options are true or false.
    • Makes use of variables to give each student a unique question in the quiz. Questions must be numerical. 
Calculated Multichoice
    • Similar to calculated questions, but formulas can be included in the answers.
Calculated Simple
    • The same as the calculated question type, but with a simpler creation interface.
Drag and Drop Into Text
    • Students drag missing words into sentences/paragraphs.
Drag and Drop Markers
    • Students drag markers onto an image. 
Drag and Drop Onto Image
    • Students drag labels or images onto an image.
Embedded Answers (Cloze)
    • A paragraph of text with various question types within the paragraph.
    • Fill in the blank questions with drag and drop or dropdown options.
    • Like a short-answer question, but allows for numerical answers with an accepted margin of error.
    • Students drag words, phrases, or sentences into the correct order.
Random Short-Answer Matching
    • Like a matching question, but questions are drawn from a category.
Select Missing Words
    • Like the drag and drop into text question, but uses drop-down options instead of dragging. 
Short Answer
    • Students can enter a word or phrase for their answer. 
Essay (Auto-Grade)
    • Like a regular essay question, but teachers can have Moodle grade the answer based on a variety of characteristics.
    • Not actually a question. Allows for text or images to a quiz. For example, a paragraph or picture that students need to refer to for subsequent questions. If using a label in this way, do not shuffle the question order.