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Submitting an Assignment


Moodle assignments are a common way for students to turn in files to instructors for grading. These files might include documents, slide presentations, videos, images, and more. The assignment icon, a hand holding a piece of paper, indicates where the assignment should be turned in.

Adding a File

  1. Log into Moodle and click on your course.
  2. Locate the name of the assignment you want to turn in and click either on the assignment name or the assignment icon.
  3. Instructions for the assignment might be included on the next screen. Instructions might also be listed in the lesson guide sheet. If you are unsure of the instructions for the assignment, please contact your course instructor.
  4. Click the Add submission button near the bottom of the screen.
  5. The next screen is where you will add your completed file to the assignment. There are two options for how to do this.
    1. Locate the file on your computer and drag and drop the file into the box with the blue arrow. You can do this by clicking on the file either on your computer desktop or in the file explorer and dragging the mouse cursor to the box with the blue arrow on the Moodle page. You can let go of the mouse when the dotted line around the box turns blue. 
    2. Click the add file icon in the upper left corner of the file submission area and use the file picker to locate your assignment. Moodle-Add-File-Icon.png
  6. Repeat step #5 if you need to add more files to your assignment. Thumbnails of all the files to be turned in will appear in the file submission area.
  7. Click Save changes.
  8. Your assignment has now been submitted. Your instructor will be notified that your assignment is complete and will be able to view the file(s) you have turned in.

Deleting a File

Follow these instructions to delete a file prior to submitting the assignment.

  1. Click on the thumbnail in the file submission area of the file that you want to delete.
  2. On the resulting window, click Delete near the upper left corner.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation screen.
  4. The file will disappear from the file submission area. Note that this only deletes the file from the file submission area, not from your computer.
  5. Follow steps #4-5 above to add the correct file to the assignment.

Editing a Submission

Follow these instructions to edit a file after submitting the assignment. Note that this option is only available if the instructor allows it for the assignment.

  1. Locate the name of the assignment you want to turn in and click either on the assignment name or the assignment icon.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click Edit submission. Note that this button will only appear if the instructor allows this option for the assignment.
  3. This will bring you to the file submission area. Follow the steps for deleting a file. Then add a new file following the instructions above.

Deleting a Submission

Follow these instructions to delete a file after submitting the assignment. Note that this option is only available if the instructor allows it for the assignment.

  1. Locate the name of the assignment you want to turn in and click either on the assignment name or the assignment icon.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click Remove submission. Note that this button will only appear if the instructor allows this option for the assignment.
  3. Click Continue on the confirmation screen to remove the submission. 
  4. Your instructor will see that you have previously submitted something, but will no longer be able to see what you previously submitted.
  5. Click Edit submission and use the file submission area to add a new file to the assignment.

Online Text Submission

Follow these instructions to submit online text for an assignment. Note that this option is only available if the instruction allows it for the assignment.

  1. Locate the name of the assignment you want to turn in and click either on the assignment name or the assignment icon.
  2. If online text submission is an option for the assignment, a textbox will be visible underneath the file submission area.
  3. Type your response in the textbox. Additional formatting options can be accessed by clicking the down arrow in the upper left corner of the textbox. Note that if your Moodle session times out (this happens after 2 hours of inactivity), your entry will not be saved. If your assignment will take longer than two hours, consider using another program to write your entry and then copy and paste the text into the online textbox.
  4. After you are done typing, click Save changes
  5. Your assignment has now been submitted. Your instructor will be notified that your assignment is complete and will be able to view the text you have turned in.


Possible Errors

  • Document filetype cannot be accepted
    • The file being uploaded does not match the file type that the instructor has specified for the assignment. For example, if the assignment asks for a .docx (Word) file, you will not be able to upload a PDF or other text document. The accepted file types are listed underneath the file submission area. For questions regarding the accepted file types, please contact your instructor.