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Why can't I get into Moodle?

If you are not able to get into Moodle, there are a number of possible reasons. Please read the sections below to troubleshoot the issue.

Local Connection Issues

  • If the internet connection in the location where you're working is down, you will not be able to get into Moodle. 
  • Check another website to see if you are able to access it. It's best to try accessing a website that you don't usually go to.
    • If you are not able to access another website, continue with the next step.
    • If you are able to access another website, skip to the next section.
  • Try using a different device (perhaps a smartphone or tablet) to see if the issue is specific to your device. 
    • If you are not able to access Moodle or another website from a different device, the issue is likely with your local internet connection. You'll need to contact your local computer guru to address the issue.
    • If you are able to access Moodle or another website from a different device, the issue is likely with your first device. You'll need to contact your local computer guru to address the issue. You can potentially keep working on your second device. The Moodle App can help facilitate this.

MLC Connection Issues

  • If you can get to other websites, but not the MLC Moodle website, it is likely an issue with the MLC connection, either planned or unplanned. 
  • Check your email for a Moodle announcement regarding planned Moodle outages and upgrades.
  • Check the MLC Network Status page for any updates. This page should be available even if the internet is down at MLC.
  • If you are able to access the MLC Moodle website but are not able to log in, it is potentially an issue with your password or username. See the MLC Account Information page for instructions on how to reset your password and/or retrieve your username


If none of the above options describe your situation, please contact MLC for help.