Frequently Asked Questions
Why can't I see my course?
For online classes, the Moodle course is typically available a few days before the start of the s...
Why can't I get into Moodle?
If you are not able to get into Moodle, there are a number of possible reasons. Please read the s...
What email address does Moodle use?
Moodle notifications get sent to whatever email address is set in your Moodle profile. By default...
How do I know if my instructor received my assignment?
Typically, instructors will use the Assignment feature if you're supposed to turn in a document. ...
How do I check my grades?
Grades for individual assignments and activities can be viewed either within the assignment/activ...
Why can't I reply to the discussion forum?
Can I use Google Docs?
What is the difference between a discussion forum and an assignment?
How do I contact my instructor?
Who do I ask for Moodle help?
Need help navigating Moodle? Not sure how to turn in an assignment? See below for the different h...
How do I fill out my course survey?
Graduate and undergraduate courses make use of Portal for feedback surveys. These surveys are use...
What do I do if the area to turn in my Google assignment on Moodle is too tiny to click?
Sometimes Google assignments in Moodle have formatting issues resulting in the box where you need...