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Library Help Resources

General Library Help Library Account Help Library Resources Library Informatio...

Did You Know?

Some of our library collections and services are well-used by some and little-known by others.  H...

Library Help for Students

Please encourage your students to contact a librarian for: Research help -- searching database...

Book Purchase Requests

If you come across an interesting book when reading professional journals or catalogs, and you th...

Library Orientation and Instruction

Many of our students have little to no experience using libraries.  They get a 15-minute tour dur...

Dorm Networking

Residential students have a number of options for connecting their devices to the campus-wide net...

Windows Key + L

Windows Key + L : Quickly locks your computer screen. Make it a habit to do this every time yo...

Use .new to Create New Google Files

When you need to create a new Google Doc or Google Sheet on your computer, simply type "

More Tips and Tricks

The Best Gmail Settings You Might Not Have Used Yet

CTRL + F - Find on Page | CTRL + H - Find & Replace


WINDOWS + SHIFT + S: Default Windows Screenshot

Useful for: Sharing how to do something with step-by-step examples of your screen Submittin...

Signage System

The new signage system allows any staff or faculty member to submit signs through the signage web...

Gmail Schedule Send

Schedule emails to be sent later: Click the arrow on the side of the "send" button, and click "...

Snooze Gmail messages until later

Use cases:  Snooze meeting confirmations until the day of the meeting; snooze reminders until c...

MLC Student-Owned Devices Policy

Students at MLC are expected to have a student-owned computing device available for use both in a...


Don't redo your search or try to remember what page you had open -- just bring back the tabs fr...

How to tab in Gmail

Useful when working with bulleted lists or wanting to indent text and then return to normal lef...

CTRL + SHIFT + V: Paste without formatting

May be especially useful if pasting from one program to another (e.g. from a bulleted list in W...

Wireless Networks

Martin Luther College maintains three wireless networks throughout the main campus and the Early ...

Document Cameras

There are currently two types of document cameras being utilized in classrooms on campus. Please ...