Recently Updated Pages

APA Formatting

MS Graduate students are expected to follow APA Manual (7th Edition) in formal writing, and follo...

Registration Tasks

Registration Instructions Long-Term Course Calendar Program Plans - Master of Scien...

Program Information

Graduate Studies Website Graduate Studies Bulletin

Check Program Progress

You can quickly check your program progress through the MLC Portal, noting which courses are stil...

Register for Courses

For existing users, course registration takes place on the MLC Portal. Instructions can be found ...


MLC has purchased a site license for Grammarly Premium. Some of you may be using the free version...

Citation Tools

Citation Management suggestions from the MLC Library

Music Program Entrance Exam Information

Students who wish to enroll in one of MLC's music programs are asked to take an entrance exam. On...

Video Conferencing - Big Blue Button

You can find some information at the EdTech blog in the post titled BigBlueButton Basics.

Set Gmail as the default email handler in Chrome

Follow these steps to setup Gmail as the default email handler in Google Chrome. Visit http://...

Printing Overview

The purpose of this page is to give a “10,000 foot” overview of how printing works on campus. Thi...

Spyware & Malware

Malware is the single largest source of problems for students (and faculty!) who bring their mach...

Copyright Infringement

As required by law, Martin Luther College (MLC) is notifying all students of the copyright law co...

Known Issues

This page will contain known issues that students, faculty, and staff have run into with connecti...

Mobile Device

Moodle offers a mobile app that allows students to view course content and complete many course a...

How do I check my grades?

Grades for individual assignments and activities can be viewed either within the assignment/activ...

How do I know if my instructor received my assignment?

Typically, instructors will use the Assignment feature if you're supposed to turn in a document. ...

What email address does Moodle use?

Moodle notifications get sent to whatever email address is set in your Moodle profile. By default...

Accessing Your Course

To access your online courses in Moodle, you need to log in to the Moodle website by doing the fo...

Activate My Course

Courses need to be activated before they appear in Moodle. You may activate any course that you a...