Recently Updated Pages
Here are some simple things to check if printing is not working as you would expect or hope. ...
Micro Focus Filr
Micro Focus Filr is a service offered by MLC IT Services to give students, faculty, and staff acc...
Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) document, including the following list of Prohibited Activities,...
Contacting IT Services
Please visit for up-to-date information on how to contact IT Service...
Fix the "Not part of a Group" Error
In discussion forums, sometimes a student will get an error that says they cannot post because th...
Adding or Removing an Individual Student from a Pre-Existing Group
Adding a Student Log in to Moodle and enter your Moodle course. Click on Participants on the ...
Open a Course for One Student
In general, courses should be hidden after they are completed. Sometimes, a student might need ac...
Sorting Closet Contents
The 4,854 Moodle courses have been divided up by instructor. If you're one of those instructors, ...
Using Master Copies
Master Copies of courses are used in both the undergraduate and graduate programs to help keep tr...
New Closet Organization
With a closet clean-out comes a new organization system! We're doing the same with Moodle. Note t...
Preview the Closet (Accessing Moodle 4)
Want to get a head start with Moodle 4? Check out MLC's test server and play around in your sandb...
The Closet Cleaning Project - Explained
In the computer software world, when a version jumps up by a whole number, it usually indicates a...
Using Google Docs Commenting for Grading Within Moodle
The commenting and editing features within Google Docs can sometimes be more user-friendly than t...
Fixing Orphaned Activities
After importing and opening up a course, sometimes activities appear as orphaned. Please follow t...
Course Workflow for Online Courses - Updated February 2021
Summary of Changes You will see a course appear in your Moodle list that starts with MASTER ...
How to add articles from library databases to Moodle reading lists
The basics: To add an article from a library database to a Moodle reading list, use its persiste...
Student View of Grades
Showing Letter Grades 7 STEPS 1. The first step is to open Course: ASL8001 01: American S...
Finding a Course
Courses in Moodle can be found on your Moodle Dashboard and on the Site Home page. Use the follow...
What do I do if the area to turn in my Google assignment on Moodle is too tiny to click?
Sometimes Google assignments in Moodle have formatting issues resulting in the box where you need...
Types of Quiz Questions
Multiple Choice Students pick correct answer from a list. Question can have one or multipl...