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Gmail Templates
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Cut, Copy, & Paste Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for cut, copy, and paste may speed up your work.
Change Gmail "Undo Send" Time
Useful if you've ever clicked send and then realized you shouldn't have sent it yet -- gives...
CTRL + END: Jump to the end of a document or worksheet
Useful when you want to get to the end of a document quickly.
CTRL + HOME: Jump to the beginning of a document or worksheet
Useful when you're in the middle of a long document or spreadsheet and want to get back to the ...
Double-click and Triple-click
This can be quicker than dragging to highlight. Just double- or triple-click somewhere in your ...
CTRL + Z and CTRL + Y
Use to go back to earlier versions of a document, and then to revert to the newer one when you ...
Format Painter
Use the format painter (the icon that looks like a paint roller in your word processor or sprea...
CTRL + Scroll (up or down)
Useful for enlarging print in documents or seeing details in photos -- and then returning to yo...
Dorm Networking
Residential students have a number of options for connecting their devices to the campus-wide net...
Windows Key + L
Windows Key + L : Quickly locks your computer screen. Make it a habit to do this every time yo...
Use .new to Create New Google Files
When you need to create a new Google Doc or Google Sheet on your computer, simply type "
More Tips and Tricks
The Best Gmail Settings You Might Not Have Used Yet
CTRL + F - Find on Page | CTRL + H - Find & Replace
Gmail Schedule Send
Schedule emails to be sent later: Click the arrow on the side of the "send" button, and click "...
Snooze Gmail messages until later
Use cases: Snooze meeting confirmations until the day of the meeting; snooze reminders until c...
MLC Student-Owned Devices Policy
Students at MLC are expected to have a student-owned computing device available for use both in a...
Don't redo your search or try to remember what page you had open -- just bring back the tabs fr...