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Why can't I see my course?

For online classes, the Moodle course is typically available a few days before the start of the semester. If you cannot find your Moodle course on your dashboard, there are several things to try.

  • Check your student schedule on Portal to make sure you are enrolled in the course.
  • Check the filter setting on your dashboard and make sure it is set to all (except hidden).
  • Adjust the number of courses being shown on your course overview or navigate to the next page(s) of your course list if applicable.
  • Check for hidden courses by changing the filter setting on your dashboard.
  • If the course has not yet started, check your email (personal and MLC mail) for information from your instructor about when the course will be open.
  • Contact your instructor for information about when the course will be open. Instructor email addresses are available in the MLC Faculty Directory.
  • If none of the above options are successful and your course has either already started or is scheduled to start in the next three days, please contact MLC for help.