Recently Updated Pages
Returning Student Scheduling
See the links below for scheduling information specific to your program. You can also watch this ...
Textbook Submissions
Each spring our on-campus faculty are sent an email regarding Textbook Submissions for the follow...
The Book List
The Book List is located on the portal under Information. Using the dropdown, you can view the cu...
Textbook Timeline
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires all institutions receiving federal f...
Printing From Student Devices
Printing from a variety of student-owned devices is now possible. Follow the directions below for...
Turn on notifications in Google Docs
Turn on notifications in Google Docs so you don’t miss changes to shared documents. This can be u...
Ctrl + A: Select All
Ctrl + A highlights your entire document or spreadsheet. Then you can make changes – font size, b...
Windows + A
Windows + A opens the “Action Center,” where you can, among other things, adjust sound and displa...
Jump through words with keyboard
Use Ctrl + arrow key to jump through words one at a time in a document.
Bold, Italics, Underline
Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + B: Bold Ctrl + I: Italics Ctrl + U: Underline
Google Drive Workspaces
Set up workspaces in Google Drive to organize your frequently-used files. You can have up to eigh...
Edit Multiple Due Dates
The Edit Dates report lets you review and update due dates, cut-off dates, and other timed events...
Turning In Grades
At the end of each semester, grades need to be reported for each student. Grades are reported on ...
Setting the Grading Scale
The grading scale is how Moodle translates percentages into letter grades. It is also the scale t...
Using a Meta-Course
Some MLC courses have several sections of the same course. These can be combined into a single co...
CTRL + S : Save
Use the CTRL + S shortcut to save your file. This works in most programs (Word, Excel, etc.) that...
Pin to Taskbar | Pin Tabs
If you have a program or website that you use frequently, "pinning" it can make it easier to acce...
Google Calendar Appointment Schedules
Do you find yourself in a flurry of too many emails when you need to set up meetings or appointme...
Print Credit
MLC uses PaperCut to handle the print credit and print resource reporting. Logging Into Your Pap...
How to Print the Tech Tips
Go to the Tech Tips slides. Go to File --> Print Preview. Select a format from the ...