Did You Know?

Some of our library collections and services are well-used by some and little-known by others.  Here are a few highlights:

  • We have a large collection of organ and piano music, and hymns found in that music are available to search by title, composer, CW hymn number, or hymn tune name in our Hymn Prelude Index.  The index is found online, and a print copy is in the music room of the library.  This is a great resource for pianists and organists.  It has been available for over 30 years and continues to be updated.
  • Our Curriculum Library is made for teachers!  Located on the lower level of the library, it holds a variety of textbooks and teaching aids that can be checked out and used in lesson preparation.  Curriculum library items are included in the library catalog; search curriculum library plus the topic or item you're looking for, e.g. curriculum library math or curriculum library puppet, or visit the library to browse the collection.
  • Your library barcode and password give you access to two collections of ebooks and audiobooks through a service called Overdrive.  Check out and download titles to your phone, tablet, or e-reader from the MLC Overdrive Collection or the TdS Overdrive Collection.  Students may be interested to know that we have ebook copies of MTLE test prep materials.
  • You can browse copies of periodicals, or search within a particular journal or magazine, by using A-Z Periodicals, linked below the search boxes on the library's main page.  Some journals are available in PDF so you see the article as it appeared in the journal (minus full-page advertisements), and others are in HTML full text.  Hint:  If you want a PDF, but the database you're looking at only has HTML, check other databases to see if they have PDF versions available.
  • We work closely with our area public libraries.  As part of the Traverse des Sioux consortium, our MLC library users have access to local public libraries' collections in person or by requesting their items to be picked up at MLC.  
  • Many of our library databases are provided through the state of Minnesota's ELM (eLibrary Minnesota) project.  The new ELM contract began on July 1, 2020, and there were some slight changes to the databases offered.  You probably won't notice a difference, but if you have questions, please contact Jan Nass or Linda Kramer about this.
  • We weed the collection to make room for new materials and to keep the collection current and focused on our curriculum.  Initial "potential weed" lists are created by Linda based on checkout history, book condition, and other factors, but faculty are always invited to provide input before final decisions are made.
  • If you share articles with students, be sure to use the "permalink" or "stable URL" for the article.  This ensures that the article can be accessed later, from on and off campus.  If you just copy and paste the URL from the address bar, it may not work when opened again.  Jan or Linda can help with permalink questions.