The Book List
The Book List is located on the portal under Information. Using the dropdown, you can view the current or upcoming semester, or even look back at previous semesters.
A Few Tips from the Bookstore Manager:
- Don’t miss the NOTES field. When you’re looking at the Book List, be sure to slide all the way over to the right to view the notes field. This is where we can post all sorts of helpful information, including comments from the instructor, links to the publisher, and even links to free e-versions of books when available.
- Use ctrl+F to locate your course or a book more quickly.
- Checking the Book List shortly after it’s posted (mid-April) for the upcoming year is always a good idea. If you see anything you want changed, just let us know.
- You don’t have to be logged in to see the Book List, but once a student has registered for their courses, they will want to log in before going to the Book List. By doing so, they will then only see the books for the courses they are taking.