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Text Editor Features

Nearly every text box in Moodle has a wide variety of formatting and editing features. Use the icons in the toolbar to access these features.


  1. Expands the toolbar to show the second row of icons.
  2. Changes the style of the text. These styles are predetermined by the Moodle administrator.
  3. Bold
  4. Italic
  5. Bulleted List
  6. Numbered List
  7. Insert Link
  8. Remove Link
  9. Add Image
  10. Add Media
  11. Record Audio
  12. Record Video
  13. Manage Embedded Files
  14.  Underline
  15. Strikethrough
  16. Subscript
  17. Superscript
  18. Text Color
  19. Font Type
  20. Size
  21. Left/Center/Right Justify
  22. Decrease/Increase Indent
  23. Equation Editor
  24. Insert Special Characters
  25. Insert Table
  26. Clear Formatting
  27. Undo/Redo
  28. Accessibility Checker
  29. Screenreader Helper
  30. HTML View
  31. Fullscreen View