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Add Course Sections to a Meta-Site

Meta-courses can be reused from one semester or year to the next by removing the sections that are attached from the previous semester and then attaching the sections for the new semester. 


  1. If you have not previously used a meta-site, please see these instructions.
  2. If you are reusing a meta-site from a previous semester, please remove the existing course sections before continuing. 
  3. Activate each course section via the MLC Portal. Continue with the next steps once the sections appear in Moodle. This can take up to 24 hours.
  4. Log into Moodle and enter the meta-site.
  5. Click on the Participants tab on the left menu.
  6. Click on the Gear in the upper right corner and choose Enrollment methods
  7. From the Add method dropdown menu, choose Course meta link.
  8. From the top Link course dropdown menu, search for the course name of the first section you want to add. Pay careful attention to the section, school year, and semester to ensure you choose the right section. If the search window won't disappear after you select the proper course, press the Escape button.
  9. From the bottom Add to group dropdown menu, choose Create new group. This will allow you to separate some assignments and activities by section. 
  10. Click the blue Add method at the bottom.
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 until you've added all your sections to the meta-site.